Billion-pixel view of Mars comes from Curiosity rover

( —A billion-pixel view from the surface of Mars, from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, offers armchair explorers a way to examine one part of the Red Planet in great detail.

Mars stereo view from 'John Klein' to Mount Sharp—raw

( —Left and right eyes of the Navigation Camera (Navcam) in NASA's Curiosity Mars rover took the dozens of images combined into this stereo scene of the rover and its surroundings. The component images were taken ...

Mapping out the future of GPS technology

Ditching satellites and complex, powerful computers and opting for camera technology inspired by small mammals may be the future of navigation systems.

Mars Rover driving leaves distinctive tracks

( -- When NASA's Opportunity Mars rover uses an onboard navigation capability during backward drives, it leaves a distinctive pattern in the wheel tracks visible on the Martian ground.

Automakers showcase technology to go

Cars are fast becoming smart phones on wheels. Or at least that's the case with those on display here at the Consumer Electronics Show, where automakers are out in force this week trying to hitch a ride with tablet computers, ...

Second Planned Extrication Drive is Straight Ahead Again

( -- Because the first extrication drive for Spirit, on Sol 2088 (Nov. 17), stopped as soon as it began due to an exceeded tilt limit, the plan for an extrication drive on Sol 2090 (Nov. 19) will essentially be ...

Rosetta sees a living planet

( -- Images and data taken just before closest approach were downloaded this morning, and they show the lights of North America in the night and a glowing Southern Hemisphere.

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