The natural way to keep fruit fresh and stop the rot

Nearly a third of all the food produced in the world is lost or wasted, according to the UN's World Resources Institute. If we convert this mass into calories, it constitutes nearly a quarter of all food produced, which could ...

Plant biodiversity under threat from general viruses

( —Introduced generalist plant viruses from other hosts that encounter native plant species for the first time pose a greater threat to plant biodiversity in south-west Australia than introduced specialist viruses, ...

Cockatoos find food in rehabilitated forest

Murdoch University researchers have found that Western Australia's iconic black cockatoos have been drawn to a new food source – rehabilitated mining pits.

Bringing coral reefs back from the brink

Shocks caused by climate and seasonal change could be used to aid recovery of some of the world's badly-degraded coral reefs, an international team of scientists has proposed.

18th century specimen reveals new South African weevil genus

The new weevil genus was discovered during a routine study of some weevil specimens collected by the Swedish botanist and entomologist Carl Peter Thunberg, a disciple of Carl Linnaeus, during his trips in the then Cape Colony ...

Researchers discover eight new Thai plant species

Researchers in the Trinity Botany Department's Herbarium, together with Thai collaborators, have just discovered eight species, three subspecies and four varieties of the plant genus Eriocaulon from Thailand, all new to Science.

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