Plant remains link farming to landscape damage in Peru

A study of food remains from ancient settlement sites along the lower Ica valley in Peru, confirms earlier suggestions that farming undermined the natural vegetation so badly that eventually much of the area had to be abandoned.

Sugarcane cools climate

Brazilians are world leaders in using biofuels for gasoline. About a quarter of their automobile fuel consumption comes from sugarcane, which significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions that otherwise would be emitted ...

How to bring 'ghost ponds' back from the dead

Digging new ponds and resurrecting old "ghost ponds" can be done by landowners to revitalize biodiversity in natural and farmland landscapes, say UCL researchers in a new how-to guide for turning degraded ponds into thriving ...

Alien invasive species in Australia

Since the break-up of Gondwana, Australia's biodiversity has evolved mostly in isolation from the rest of the world. Many of our species are unique to Australia.

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