Rainfall's natural variation hides climate change signal

New research from The Australian National University (ANU) and ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science suggests natural rainfall variation is so great that it could take a human lifetime for significant climate ...

For peacocks, the eyespots don't lie

Male peacock tail plumage and courtship antics likely influence their success at attracting and mating with females, according to recent Queen's University research.

Ocean life may adapt to climate change, but with hidden costs

Suppose that we could watch twenty generations of whales or sharks adapting to climate change—measuring how they evolve and how their biology changes as temperatures and carbon dioxide levels rise. That could tell us a ...

Different paths to drug resistance in Leishmania

Two remarkable discoveries were today revealed by researchers into genome analysis of Leishmania parasites. These results uncovered a surprising level of variation at the genome structure level.

Painting by numbers

Individuals of a particular species generally differ from one another. We are clearly most adept at recognizing members of our own species, although dog and cat owners will be ready to confirm that their pets look unique. ...

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