You are what you click

It's no secret that the things we click on, scroll across, swipe, tap or drag when we're browsing online or using a smartphone application can yield valuable information about us. Such data is a veritable goldmine to web ...

Remotely Piloted Aircraft will help in fight against bushfires

With much of Australia looking like reverting to a dry bushfire-prone weather pattern avionics engineers at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) are pulling out all stops to develop the technology to enable remotely ...

New climate forceasting system to be created

(AP) -- The World Climate Conference has approved the creation of a new climate forecasting system to help countries adapt to climate change and enable them to better prepare for natural disasters, officials said Friday.

Researcher uncovers koalas' creature comforts

University of Queensland Master of Science student Maren Dammann is aiming to uncover what makes a koala's wish list when it comes to choosing a place to live.

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