True holographic movies are within grasp

Holographic movies, like the one R2D2 projected of Princess Leia in "Star Wars: A New Hope," have long been the province of science fiction, but for most of us, the extent of our experience with holograms may be the dime-sized ...

Using porous crystals to harvest light

Drawing inspiration from photosynthesis, KAUST researchers have developed a new spin on metal organic frameworks (MOFs) that could help solar cells to gather more energy from the Sun.

Researchers observe branched flow of light for the first time

A team of researchers from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has observed branched flow of light for the very first time. The findings are published in Nature and are featured on the cover of the July 2, 2020 ...

From 'cavewalking' to spacewalking

It might not be obvious, but there are many similarities between working deep underground and in outer space.

Building blocks of all life gain new understanding

New research on an enzyme that is essential for photosynthesis and all life on earth has uncovered a key finding in its structure which reveals how light can interact with matter to make an essential pigment for life.

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