European settlers not the first to alter american landscape

One of the great American myths claims that before Europeans colonists settled in North America, Native Americans existed in total harmony with nature, surviving on the renewable bounty that the continent's natural environment ...

Not easy being green

( -- It was a battle to save a cherished piece of nature from the forces of economic growth. Preservationists formed groups to present their case, and public figures across the country spoke up about the matter. ...

Bumblebees dive in to fill a void

Native pollinators such as these fat, fuzzy bumblebees, once an overlooked sideshow in the insect world, are gaining widespread appreciation among everyone from backyard gardeners to big-time farmers. That's because European ...

Research recommends compromise when choosing conservation site

A lot of variables come into play when selecting a site for environmental conservation that yields benefits to people nearby such as wildlife needs, species and vegetation uniqueness, and costs to the government or community. ...

Growing Population Warming East African Nights?

Nights are getting hotter in Nairobi and other inland cities as growing populations change sensitive local weather patterns, according to research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

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