GE introduces natural gas FlexEfficiency 60 turbine

(—General Electric has unveiled its new line of highly efficient natural gas burning turbines for use in generating electricity. The new turbines are able to rapidly increase or reduce their power output to meet ...

The complex chemistry of combustion

A billionth of a second: That's how quickly some of the most critical chemical reactions of combustion occur.

Normal air could halve fuel consumption

Every time a car brakes, energy is generated. At present this energy is not used, but new research shows that it is perfectly possible to save it for later use in the form of compressed air. It can then provide extra power ...

Key find for treating wastewater on World Water Day

A newly developed membrane used to separate waste from water could become key in the treatment of pollutants ranging from acid mine drainage to oil-containing wastewater, as well as in processes ranging from desalination ...

Smog chokes coal-dependent Poland with no end in sight

Puffs of yellowish grey-and-black smoke billowing out of household chimneys create a blanket of smog choking the southern Polish mining town of Rybnik, one of the most polluted places in the European Union.

Offshore oil and gas rigs leak more greenhouse gas than expected

A survey of offshore installations extracting oil and natural gas in the North Sea revealed far more leakage of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, than currently estimated by the British government, according to a research ...

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