Fish slime: An untapped source of potential new antibiotics

As current antibiotics dwindle in effectiveness against multidrug-resistant pathogens, researchers are seeking potential replacements in some unlikely places. Now a team has identified bacteria with promising antibiotic activity ...

Using big data to help manage global natural assets

Research led by the University of Southampton is helping to tackle one of the biggest sustainability challenges—looking after and nurturing the natural resources in the world around us.

Competent chimpanzee nutcrackers

Humans consider themselves as the tool user par excellence. Previous work comparing human tool use skills to that of other species tended to place the animals in artificial conditions far removed from their natural environments. ...

Water matters to metal nanoparticles

When you purchase anything from makeup to paint to sunscreen, chances are it contains engineered nanoparticles. These nanoscale materials have properties that are revolutionizing products—from medicine to agriculture to ...

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