Plants cry for help when an attack can be expected

Eggs of insect pests deposited on plants trigger the production of scents by plants that affect different plant community members probably helping the plant to get rid of the pest before it becomes harmful.

Researchers revise Darwin's thinking on invasive species

For more than a century and a half, researchers interested in invasive species have looked to Charles Darwin and what has come to be called his "naturalization conundrum." If an invader is closely related to species in a ...

Chinese wasps are taking on the emerald ash borer

The emerald ash borer (EAB), a relatively new invasive insect pest, has killed tens of millions of ash trees throughout the eastern United States since it was first detected in 2002 in Michigan and Canada. This insect has ...

Hair indicates whether wild animals were 'stressed'

While hair analysis has become routine in humans—for example for the detection of prolonged drug or medication abuse—it has been little used in animals to date. Scientists led by Alexandre Azevedo and Katarina Jewgenow ...

Masses of plastic particles found in Great Lakes

Already ravaged by toxic algae, invasive mussels and industrial pollution, North America's Great Lakes now confront another potential threat that few had even imagined until recently: untold millions of plastic litter bits, ...

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