Saving wildlife with forensic genetics

Wildlife face many threats with spreading urbanization, including habitat loss and inbreeding when populations become fragmented and isolated. It doesn't help that there is a billion-dollar international industry dedicated ...

The same type of forest is good for both birds and people

Birds and people both enjoy urban woodlands that have been cleared to just the right degree. This is the conclusion of scientists at the University of Gothenburg who have carried out large-scale field experiments in urban ...

UN aims for biodiversity treaty by July 2012

A global treaty on the harvesting of genetic resources will probably be ratified by July 2012, the UN executive secretary on biological diversity said Tuesday.

Genomic tools can help researchers develop crops quickly

( -- Using powerful genome sequencing tools created for human genetics, researchers can now exploit the genetic diversity of crops to improve productivity, sustainability and nutrition, a Cornell researcher reported ...

How to create less selfish societies?

(GPEARI, Portugal) -- Cooperation, despite being now considered the third force of evolution, just behind mutation and natural selection, is difficult to explain in the context of an evolutionary process based on competition ...

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