Engineering a plastic-eating enzyme

Scientists have engineered an enzyme which can digest some of our most commonly polluting plastics, providing a potential solution to one of the world's biggest environmental problems.

Nature recycles trash to create diamonds

The Earth's deepest diamonds are commonly made up of former living organisms that have effectively been recycled more than 400 kilometers below the surface, new Curtin research has discovered.

New insights into Earth's carbon cycle

In a new study led by a University of Alberta Ph.D. student, researchers used diamonds as breadcrumbs to provide insight into some of Earth's deepest geologic mechanisms.

New mineral classification system captures Earth's complex past

The first minerals to form in the universe were nanocrystalline diamonds, which condensed from gases ejected when the first generation of stars exploded. Diamonds that crystallize under the extreme pressure and temperature ...

Experts explain how diamonds are grown in a lab

A diamond is a solid rock of carbon and the hardest known naturally occurring substance. Because diamonds also have some extraordinary optical and physical properties, intensive research is underway on their use in laser ...

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