Artificial lighting and noise alter biorhythms of birds

( —Noise from traffic and artificial night lighting cause birds in the city centre to become active up to five hours earlier in the morning than birds in more natural areas. These were the findings from an investigation ...

Screening eco-innovation level

Reducing the use of natural resources and lowering the amount of harmful substances across the life-cycle of a product or process has become a must for innovation. But smaller companies have yet to make it happen.

If a Tree Falls in the Forest...

( -- In a century of increasing forest fires, hurricanes and plagues, Dr. Ben Bond-Lamberty, a terrestrial ecologist for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, suggests taking a fresh look at modeling carbon's ...

Design for flooding: How cities can make room for water

Science is clearly showing that the world is shifting towards a more unstable climate. Weather events like the flash floods in Sydney last week will be more frequent and extreme, while the intervals between them will become ...

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