Police arrest Hawaiian protesters trying to block telescope

Police arrested elderly protesters, some using wheelchairs and canes, as they blocked a road Wednesday to Hawaii's highest peak to try to stop construction of a giant telescope on land some Native Hawaiians consider sacred.

Examining ethical considerations for human remains

In 2022, the Penn Museum announced that it would rebury the skulls of dozens of Black Philadelphian individuals whose remains were unethically obtained in the mid-1800s. Some in the community of the individuals' descendants, ...

What is biocultural diversity, and why does it matter?

What do the English concept of the countryside, the French paysage, the Spanish dehesas and Australian Aboriginal country have in common? All of these are unique landscapes which created through long-term management by people. ...

Mystery of Native Americans' arrival

The Americas’ first human settlers arrived in a complex series of migrations, pushing over the ancient land bridge from Asia at least three times but moving in both directions, with at least one group scrapping it all ...

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