Fish found in suspected tsunami debris boat quarantined

The wreckage of a fishing boat that appears to be debris from the 2011 Japanese tsunami was carrying some unexpected passengers—fish from Japanese waters—when it was spotted off the Oregon coast.

Controlling lion's share of lionfish

( —Three Simon Fraser University researchers and a recent graduate have co-authored the first study to demonstrate that beating back the fearsome lionfish will rejuvenate threatened native fish in the Bahamas and ...

War on lionfish shows first promise of success

It may take a legion of scuba divers armed with nets and spears, but a new study confirms for the first time that controlling lionfish populations in the western Atlantic Ocean can pave the way for a recovery of native fish.

Invasive crabs help Cape Cod marshes

( —Ecologists are wary of non-native species, but along the shores of Cape Cod where grass-eating crabs have been running amok and destroying the marsh, an invasion of a predatory green crabs has helped turn back ...

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