Mexican fish extinct in wild successfully reintroduced

There once was a small fish called "tequila splitfin" or "zoogoneticus tequila" that swam in a river in western Mexico, but disappeared in the 1990s. Scientists and residents, however, have achieved the return of a species ...

Robots use fear to fight invasive fish

The invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) chews off the tails of freshwater fishes and tadpoles, leaving the native animals to perish while dining on other fishes' and amphibians' eggs. In a study published December ...

Using mobile technology to predict invasive species transmission

A cooler full of fish might not be the only thing anglers bring back from a trip to the lake. Unknowingly, they may also be transporting small aquatic "hitchhikers" that attach themselves to boats, motors ― and even fishing ...

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