Orion's erupting star system reveals its secrets

An unusual group of stars in the Orion constellation have revealed their secrets. FU Orionis, a double star system, first caught astronomers' attention in 1936 when the central star suddenly became 1,000 times brighter than ...

Researchers detect a new molecule in space

New research from the group of MIT Professor Brett McGuire has revealed the presence of a previously unknown molecule in space. The team's open-access paper, "Rotational Spectrum and First Interstellar Detection of 2-Methoxyethanol ...

Focusing ultra-intense lasers to a single wavelength

Ultra-intense ultrashort lasers are powerful tools used in various fields like physics, national security, industry, and health care. They help researchers delve into strong-field laser physics, laser-driven radiation sources, ...

Biologists use machine learning to classify fossils of extinct pollen

In the quest to decipher the evolutionary relationships of extinct organisms from fossils, researchers often face challenges in discerning key features from weathered fossils, or with prioritizing characteristics of organisms ...

Study finds vulnerability in pelagic ecosystems

Fish and sharks living in the open ocean are impacted more by human pressure than their seabed-dwelling counterparts, according to a new study from The University of Western Australia.

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