World needs ambitious 0% new plastic waste target by 2040

The United Nations is being urged to make a bold pledge and set a target of zero for new plastic pollution by 2040 in its upcoming Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution. Plastic production and subsequent pollution are key ...

Astronomers find cosmic rays driving galaxy's winds

Astronomers using the National Science Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) have discovered an important new clue about how galaxies put the brakes on vigorous episodes of star formation. Their new study of ...

'Marshmallow' world orbiting a cool red dwarf star

A gas giant exoplanet with the density of a marshmallow has been detected in orbit around a cool red dwarf star by a suite of instruments, including the NEID radial-velocity instrument on the WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope at Kitt ...

Food deficits in Africa will grow in a warmer world

Africa has one of the world's fastest population growth rates. Growth models project the continent's current population of about 1.3 billion people will nearly double to 2.5 billion by 2050—and it's likely to keep growing ...

Study finds high levels of PFAS in school uniforms

In yet another example of the prevalence of the hazardous chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in consumer products, industrial products and textiles, researchers have found notably high levels in ...

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