SnapChat hack a snap for Georgia Tech student

Faced with a decision between braving the below-freezing cold outside and breaking SnapChat's new security feature, Steven Hickson said it was a no-brainer.

Reports: NSA gets under 30 percent of phone data (Update)

The National Security Agency collects less than 30 percent of calling data from Americans despite the agency's massive daily efforts to sweep up the bulk of U.S. phone records, two U.S. newspapers reported Friday.

Internet firms release data on NSA requests (Update 3)

Major technology firms have released new data on how often they are ordered to turn over customer information to the government for secret national security investigations, resulting in the collection of data on thousands ...

NSA pursues quantum technology

In this month's issue of Physics World, Jon Cartwright explains how the revelation that the US National Security Agency (NSA) is developing quantum computers has renewed interest and sparked debate on just how far ahead they ...

Report: NSA uses radio waves to map pathway into computers

The National Security Agency has implanted software in nearly 100,000 computers around the world—but not in the United States—that allows the U.S. to conduct surveillance on those machines, The New York Times reported ...

US spy court: NSA to keep collecting phone records

(AP)—A secretive U.S. spy court has ruled again that the National Security Agency can keep collecting every American's telephone records every day, in the midst of dueling decisions in two other federal courts about whether ...

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