Senate under pressure after House votes to end NSA program

After the House's lopsided bipartisan vote to end the National Security Agency's bulk collection of Americans' phone records, the Senate is under considerable pressure to pass a similar measure. If it doesn't, lawmakers risk ...

US House passes bill ending NSA bulk data collection

The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to end the NSA's dragnet collection of telephone data from millions of Americans, a controversial program revealed in 2013 by former security contractor Edward Snowden.

Nuclear modernization programs threaten to prolong the nuclear era

In the latest issue of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, published by SAGE, experts from the United States, Russia, and China present global perspectives on ambitious nuclear modernization programs that the world's nuclear-armed ...

US cyber commander says hackers to 'pay a price'

The US strategy of "deterrence" for cyber-attacks could involve a wide range or responses, potentially including the use of conventional weapons, the nation's top cyber-warrior said Monday.

Five things to know about the NSA court ruling

A federal appeals court has declared illegal the National Security Agency program that collects data on the landline calling records of nearly every American. The ruling Thursday, the first of its kind by an appeals court, ...

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