US fires arrow into Huawei's Achilles heel

The Trump administration's move to block US technology sales to Huawei shoots an arrow deep into the Chinese tech giant's Achilles heel—its over-reliance on American components—and threatens the company's very survival, ...

UK identifies fresh Huawei risks to telecom networks

Britain has identified "significant" issues in Huawei's engineering processes that pose "new risks" for the nation's telecommunications, a government report found Thursday amid lingering global suspicion over the Chinese ...

Floods suggest national security threat from climate change

The Missouri River floodwater surging on to the air base housing the U.S. military's Strategic Command overwhelmed round-the-clock sandbagging by airmen and others. They had to scramble to save sensitive equipment, munitions ...

China's Huawei sues US over federal ban on its products

Tech giant Huawei on Thursday opened a legal front in its counter-offensive against US warnings that it could aid Chinese intelligence services, filing suit to overturn a US law that bars federal agencies from buying its ...

France to seek tougher oversight of 5G network gear

France will require telecommunications companies to allow more government oversight and control of the equipment required for next-generation 5G wireless networks due to security concerns, a government official said Tuesday.

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