US moves to protect scalloped hammerhead sharks

The National Marine Fisheries Service is listing four distinct populations of a hammerhead shark species as threatened and endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

Feds mull Alaska's petition to delist humpbacks

Federal officials say a petition filed by the state of Alaska to remove some North Pacific humpback whales from protection under the Endangered Species Act merits a closer look.

Plan would protect 21 coral hot spots in Gulf of Mexico

A plan to protect corals in the Gulf of Mexico is close to becoming a law, drawing cheers from environmental groups who believe leaving the corals alone would help vulnerable ocean ecosystems to grow.

Groups sue over Navy sonar use off Northwest

Conservationists and Native American tribes are suing over the Navy's expanded use of sonar in training exercises off the Washington, Oregon and California coasts, saying the noise can harass and kill whales and other marine ...

Trump said to advance seismic tests for oil in Atlantic waters

The Trump administration is taking a major step toward allowing a first-in-a-generation seismic search for oil and gas under Atlantic waters, despite protests that the geological tests involve loud air gun blasts that will ...

Suit: Feds ignore risk of huge spills to endangered species

Environmental groups asked a federal court Wednesday to throw out the Trump administration's assessment of oil and gas activity's likely effects on endangered species in the Gulf of Mexico, saying it dismisses the chance ...

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