EU, Germany demand answers on UK surveillance

(AP)—The European Union's justice chief on Wednesday demanded urgent answers from Britain on the nature and extent of an alleged online eavesdropping operation comparable to the U.S. international Internet surveillance ...

US report urges easing rules on satellite exports

Congress should ease restrictions on US satellite exports that are unnecessary and place US firms at a "disadvantage," the Pentagon and the State Department said Wednesday.

Norway hit by major data-theft attack

(AP) -- Data from Norway's oil and defense industries may have been stolen in what is feared to be one of the most extensive data espionage cases in the country's history, security officials said Thursday.

NSA violations compared to Obamacare website ills

The U.S. intelligence community's top lawyer on Tuesday defended the surveillance violations by staff of the National Security Agency by comparing programs that collect mass amounts of information on Americans to problems ...

CIA worked to break Apple encryption: report

The Central Intelligence Agency has been working for years to break encryption on Apple devices, to spy on communications of iPhone and iPad users, a report said Tuesday.

Obama nearing a decision on intelligence review

President Barack Obama is hosting a series of meetings this week with lawmakers, privacy advocates and intelligence officials as he nears a final decision on changes to the government's controversial surveillance programs.

Surveillance powers to lapse without Senate action Sunday

A midnight deadline drew near for senators meeting in an extraordinary Sunday session to extend surveillance programs, but a lapse seemed unavoidable and intelligence officials worried about giving terrorists greater freedom ...

ACLU asks appeals court to halt NSA phone record collection

Civil liberties groups asked a federal appeals court Tuesday to again strike down as unconstitutional a portion of a law used by the government to justify the collection and storage of Americans' phone records.

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