Mixed signals on cellphone bans

It's legal in 41 states for drivers to use hand-held cell phones, and a leading highway safety organization recommends keeping it that way for now.

In future, cars might decide if driver is drunk

(AP) -- An alcohol-detection prototype that uses automatic sensors to instantly gauge a driver's fitness to be on the road has the potential to save thousands of lives, but could be as long as a decade away from everyday ...

US quashed report on dangers of phone use while driving

The federal agency tasked with keeping US roadways safe suppressed research seven years ago on the dangers of cellphone use while driving, fearing political fallout from the study, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

States, cities challenge Trump mileage standards rollback

Nearly two dozen states and several cities on Wednesday filed a legal challenge to the Trump administration's rollback of Obama-era mileage standards, saying science backed up the old regulations developed with the help of ...

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