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Dozens of countries hit by huge cyberextortion attack

Dozens of countries were hit with a huge cyberextortion attack Friday that locked up computers and held users' files for ransom at a multitude of hospitals, companies and government agencies.

Why Apple is pitching for the health market

Thousands of developers descended on San Fransisco recently to hear about Apple's big plans for the future. One of the highlights was confirmation, after long speculation, that the company would indeed be spreading into the ...

UK court jails four Lulzsec hackers for cyberattacks

Four young computer hackers who masterminded cyberattacks on targets from the CIA to Sony Pictures and Rupert Murdoch's News International were sentenced to up to 32 months in prison on Thursday.

British paper turns readers into newshounds

A British newspaper has thrown open its office doors, let the readers stride in, and invited them to peer over reporters' shoulders -- digitally, at least.

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