Why the feds should protect Midwest wolves from slaughter

The bald eagle is America's symbol, but 70 years ago it was nearly extinct. Once numbering as many as half a million, the population in the lower 48 states had been reduced to fewer than 1,000 by pesticides, hunting and destruction ...

Restoring balance in machine learning datasets

If you want to teach a child what an elephant looks like, you have an infinite number of options. Take a photo from National Geographic, a stuffed animal of Dumbo, or an elephant keychain; show it to the child; and the next ...

Study on economics of fishing on the high seas

As much as 54 percent of the high seas fishing industry would be unprofitable at its current scale without large government subsidies, according to a new study by researchers from the National Geographic Society; the University ...

Polygamy observed in trio of great horned owls

A trio of great horned owls has been found to be engaging in a polygamous relationship according to an ornithologist with Bird Studies Canada. The finding has been reported by Doug Main with National Geographic.

National Geographic acknowledges past racist coverage

National Geographic acknowledged on Monday that it covered the world through a racist lens for generations, with its magazine portrayals of bare-breasted women and naive brown-skinned tribesmen as savage, unsophisticated ...

Searching for super-corals living on the edge

Searching for corals where they shouldn't be found has become an urgent quest for marine biologist Dr Emma Camp. As the impact of climate change on the world's coral reefs grows in frequency and intensity, the options for ...

Experts uncover hidden layers of Jesus' tomb site

In the innermost chamber of the site said to be the tomb of Jesus, a restoration team has peeled away a marble layer for the first time in centuries in an effort to reach what it believes is the original rock surface where ...

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