Mosquitoes can't spot a spermless mate

A female mosquito cannot tell if the male that she has mated with is fertile or 'spermless' and unable to fertilise her eggs, according to a new study from scientists at Imperial College London.

Science agency to review FBI's anthrax inquiry

(AP) -- The National Academy of Sciences said Friday it will review the lab work behind the FBI's conclusion that Army scientist Bruce Ivins was responsible for the anthrax mailings that killed five people in 2001.

Neuroscience discoveries alter public policy debates

Neuroscience has made tremendous progress in understanding the adolescent brain, creating opportunities as well as challenges for using that knowledge in relation to public policies, according to an article in the Spring ...

Fed report: Time to examine purposely cooling planet idea

It's time to study and maybe even test the idea of cooling the Earth by injecting sulfur pollution high in the air to reflect the sun's heat, a first-of-its-kind federal science report said Tuesday.

Home teams hold the advantage

The home team holds the advantage over visitors – at least in the plant world. However, a mere handful of genetic adaptations could even the playing field.

Researchers go small to better understand atmospheric motion

Researchers at New York University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shed new light on the nature of small-scale atmospheric motion—findings that could lead to lengthening the accuracy of weather predictions.

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