Scientists pinpoint link between light signal and circadian rhythms

In a new paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, the Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics in the UNC School of Medicine, and his colleagues ...

Why 'scientific consensus' fails to persuade

Suppose a close friend who is trying to figure out the facts about climate change asks whether you think a scientist who has written a book on the topic is a knowledgeable and trustworthy expert. You see from the dust jacket ...

Dormant microbes promote diversity, serve environment: study

( -- The ability of microbes, tiny organisms that do big jobs in our environment, to go dormant not only can save them from death and possible extinction but may also play a key role in promoting biodiversity ...

Marseillevirus, new giant virus discovered

Scientists in France have isolated a new giant virus that lurks inside amoeba and whose gene pool includes genetic material from other species.

Disadvantaged workers face more challenges in retirement, too

American workers with limited job opportunities during their working years face obstacles in retirement too, perpetuating inequities among demographic groups. That's according to research conducted by Emma Aguila, a USC Price ...

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