Study finds climate link to atmospheric-river storms

( —A new NASA-led study of atmospheric-river storms from the Pacific Ocean may help scientists better predict major winter snowfalls that hit West Coast mountains and lead to heavy spring runoff and sometimes flooding.

China criticises US space agency over 'discrimination'

Beijing on Wednesday criticised the US space agency NASA for what it termed "discriminative action" over a decision to exclude Chinese from a forthcoming science conference in the United States.

Next generation of explorers takes the stage

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on Tuesday formally welcomed the eight newest candidates to the astronaut corps and unveiled a space exploration roadmap that makes clear the global community is working together on a unified ...

NASA announces new strategic vision for aeronautics research

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has unveiled a new strategic vision that will better align the work of the agency's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate to address looming challenges in global air transportation.

Curiosity rover nearing first anniversary on Mars

( —NASA's Curiosity rover will mark one year on Mars next week and has already achieved its main science goal of revealing ancient Mars could have supported life. The mobile laboratory also is guiding designs for ...

NASA prepares for 3-D manufacturing in space

( —In preparation for a future where parts and tools can be printed on demand in space, NASA and Made in Space Inc. of Mountain View, Calif., have joined to launch equipment for the the first 3-D microgravity printing ...

Landsat 8 satellite begins watch

NASA transferred operational control Thursday of the Landsat 8 satellite to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in a ceremony in Sioux Falls, S.D.

Buzz Aldrin says US must colonize Mars

Buzz Aldrin, the American astronaut who was the second man to walk on the Moon, said Wednesday that the United States must lead the way toward building a permanent settlement on Mars.

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