Novel topological crystalline insulator shows mass appeal

Disrupting the symmetrical structure of a solid-state topological crystalline insulator creates mass in previously mass-less electrons and imparts an unexpected level of control in this nascent class of materials, an international ...

ORNL finding goes beyond surface of oxide films

( —Better batteries, catalysts, electronic information storage and processing devices are among potential benefits of an unexpected discovery made by Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists using samples isolated ...

Large wave-vector phonon modes in silicon nanomembranes

( —Modified large wave-vector phonons in semiconductor membranes via hard X-ray thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) were observed that provide new insight into the fundamental thermal and electronic properties of ...

Study suggests second life for possible spintronic materials

Ten years ago, scientists were convinced that a combination of manganese and gallium nitride could be a key material to create spintronics, the next generation of electronic devices that operate on properties found at the ...

Kinks and curves at the nanoscale

One of the basic principles of nanotechnology is that when you make things extremely small—one nanometer is about five atoms wide, 100,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair—they are going to become more ...

Researchers propose new old way to purify carbon nanotubes

( —An old, somewhat passé, trick used to purify protein samples based on their affinity for water has found new fans at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, where materials scientists are using ...

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