Physicists use graphene to decode DNA

Genome sequencing will have a profound effect on our understanding of genetic biology and could usher in a day when doctor and patient are able to review individual genome sequences to fully personalise medical treatment.

Engineers collaborate on inexpensive DNA sequencing method

(—Rapid, accurate genetic sequencing soon may be within reach of every doctor's office if recent research from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Columbia University's School of Engineering ...

Pushing the boundaries of DNA sequencing

A young company developing technology created at the University of New Mexico (UNM) is on a mission to disrupt the landscape of DNA sequencing.

DNA prefers to dive head first into nanopores

(—In the 1960s, Nobel laureate Pierre-Gilles de Gennes postulated that someday researchers could test his theories of polymer networks by observing single molecules. Researchers at Brown observed single molecules ...

How to detect life on Mars

When MIT research scientist Christopher Carr visited a green sand beach in Hawaii at the age of 9, he probably didn't think that he'd use the little olivine crystals beneath his feet to one day search for extraterrestrial ...

Nanopore: the Oxford story

Last month Oxford University spinout firm Oxford Nanopore revealed that it is to produce a new DNA sequencing machine the size of a USB stick.

Nanopores promise cost savings in gene sequencing

(—In the last five years, next-​​generation gene sequencing has brought down the cost of unlocking a single genome from $10 mil­lion to $10,000. While the sav­ings is unprece­dented, more can still be done ...

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