Researchers create novel nanoantennas

( -- A team of plasmonics researchers has developed a novel type of nanoantenna that could lead to advances in drug and explosives detection.

New nanoantennas to improve ultra-fast wireless connections

Researchers from the Nanophotonic Technology Centre (NTC) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) have designed new silicon nanoantennas with direct applications in communication and data processing for the next generation ...

Nanodiamond turns into controllable light source

A research group from ITMO University has developed a controlled light source based on nanodiamond. Experiments have shown that the diamond shell doubles the emission speed light sources and helps to control them without ...

Beating the diffraction limit with nanoantennas

Plasmonic nanoantennas are among the hot topics in science at the moment because of their ability to interact strongly with light, which for example makes them useful for different kinds of sensing. But matching their resonances ...

Bio-inspired nanoantennas for light emission

Just as radio antennas amplify the signals of our mobile phones and televisions, the same principle can apply to light. For the first time, researchers from CNRS and Aix Marseille Université have succeeded in producing ...

Researchers develop silicon cuboid nanoantenna

In a new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances, researchers from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, discuss silicon cuboid nanoantenna with simultaneous large Purcell factor for electric dipole, magnetic ...

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