Researchers develop silicon cuboid nanoantenna

In a new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances, researchers from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, discuss silicon cuboid nanoantenna with simultaneous large Purcell factor for electric dipole, magnetic ...

Conductive polymer nanoantennas for dynamic organic plasmonics

Researchers in the Organic Photonics and Nano-optics goup at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics have developed optical nanoantennas made from a conducting polymer. The antennas can be switched on and off, and will make ...

Researchers invent light-emitting nanoantennas

Scientists from ITMO University have developed effective nanoscale light sources based on halide perovskite. Such nanosources are based on subwavelength nanoparticles serving both as emitters and nanoantennas and allow enhancing ...

Bio-inspired nanoantennas for light emission

Just as radio antennas amplify the signals of our mobile phones and televisions, the same principle can apply to light. For the first time, researchers from CNRS and Aix Marseille Université have succeeded in producing ...

New nanoantennas to improve ultra-fast wireless connections

Researchers from the Nanophotonic Technology Centre (NTC) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) have designed new silicon nanoantennas with direct applications in communication and data processing for the next generation ...

Nanodiamond turns into controllable light source

A research group from ITMO University has developed a controlled light source based on nanodiamond. Experiments have shown that the diamond shell doubles the emission speed light sources and helps to control them without ...

Physicists suggest new way to measure speed in liquid micro-flows

Scientists from ITMO University developed a novel optical method of measuring reagent delivery rates for "labs on a chip." The method is based on a dynamic interaction between a nanoantenna and luminescent molecules as the ...

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