Porn sites closer to .xxx Web address (Update)

(AP) -- It may soon be easier to block Internet porn: The agency that controls domain names said Friday it will consider adding .xxx to the list of suffixes people and companies can pick when establishing their identities ...

Web boss sees risk of multiple internets

Clandestine efforts by some countries to create alternative versions of the Internet for political ends could put the Web at risk, the man responsible for organizing the network told AFP Wednesday.

Postal services get exclusive '.post' address

Global postal services will soon have their own address on the Internet, after the web's authority for assigning domain names ICANN, said on Friday that it had approved the new address dot post (.post).

Internet still under US grip: forum delegates

The Internet is still under the control of the United States, participants at a governance forum said, despite a move by America to loosen its grip over the private corporation that administers the net.

Multilingual web address system approved

The nonprofit body that oversees Internet addresses approved Friday the use of Hebrew, Hindi, Korean and other scripts not based on Latin characters in a decision that could make the Web dramatically more inclusive.

US to share Internet review amid worldwide growth

(AP) -- As Internet use expands worldwide, the United States said Wednesday it will give other governments and the private sector a greater oversight role in an organization whose decisions affect how computers relay traffic ...

Changes loom for ICANN

Changes appear to be in store this week for the low profile but powerful body that administers the Web.

NJ man is first to be charged with Web name theft

(AP) -- A northern New Jersey man is charged with stealing a prime piece of Internet real estate and reselling it to basketball player Mark Madsen in one of the nation's first prosecutions of a suspected domain name thief.

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