Websites try to fight nasty comments, anonymity

Mix blatant bigotry with poor spelling. Add a dash of ALL CAPS. Top it off with a violent threat. And there you have it: A recipe for the worst of online comments.

Intel flirts with exascale leap in supercomputing

( -- If exascale range is the next destination post in high-performance computing then Intel has a safe ticket to ride. Intel says its new Xeon Phi line of chips is an early stepping stone toward exascale. Intel ...

Porn sites closer to .xxx Web address (Update)

(AP) -- It may soon be easier to block Internet porn: The agency that controls domain names said Friday it will consider adding .xxx to the list of suffixes people and companies can pick when establishing their identities ...

Go Daddy, an Internet domain registrar, is sold

(AP) -- The parent company of, a top registrar of Internet domain names, has been sold to a group of private investment firms for $2.25 billion, a person familiar with the transaction told The Associated Press.

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