Poker domain names unfrozen to allow refunds

US authorities said Wednesday they were unfreezing the domain names of two online poker companies targeted in a crackdown on Internet gambling so US players could withdraw their money.

'William' most popular medieval name

( -- A study of personal names recorded in a major English medieval record source has revealed that ‘William’ was by far the most common name among the men listed in it.

Coming soon to the Internet: The .whatever address

A quarter-century after the creation of ".com," the agency that assigns Internet addresses is loosening its rules and allowing suffixes named after brands, hobbies, political causes and just about anything else.

Internet upgraded to foil cyber crooks

The Internet has undergone a key upgrade that promises to stop cyber criminals from using fake websites that dupe people into downloading viruses or revealing personal data.

French companies attack Google ads rules

Associations representing major French companies accused US Internet giant Google on Monday of overstepping the mark by putting brand names up for auction as search keywords.

New ant species named in recognition of gender diversity

A newly discovered miniature trap jaw ant from the evergreen tropical forests of Ecuador bears the curious Latin name Strumigenys ayersthey, among hundreds, which are also named in honor of people, but end with -ae (after ...

Hackers trick way into ICANN computers

The private agency that acts as a gatekeeper for the Internet on Wednesday said that hackers tricked their way into its computers.

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