Security firm finds smartphones lacking in security

( -- viaForensics, a computer security firm, has undertaken an exhaustive study to determine just how secure data is on smartphones; their results show that data such as login names, passwords, account numbers ...

Blizzard drops plan to require real names on forums

Amid a barrage of criticism, Activision Blizzard, maker of World of Warcraft and other popular videogames, dropped a plan Friday to require users of its forums to start posting their real names.

New York Times website restored after hacker attack

The popular New York Times website returned to service Wednesday after hackers forced it down for nearly a day, with a group backing Syria's government claiming responsibility.

Explainer: US ceding control of core Internet systems

On Saturday, the U.S. government plans to cede control of some of the internet's core systems—namely, the directories that help web browsers and apps know where to find the latest weather, maps and Facebook musings.

Internet group: Quality over speed in new domains

(AP) -- The organization in charge of expanding the number of Internet address suffixes - the ".com" part of domain names - is apologizing for delays but says it's favoring "quality, not speed."

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