Genes might play unrecognized role in aging, intervention

While aging is familiar to all of us, exactly how it occurs on a molecular basis has been an area of intense study and interest. We take it for granted that different species age at different rates, yet we do not have a good ...

Scientists sequence DNA of cancer-resistant rodent

Scientists at the University of Liverpool, in partnership with The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich, have generated the first whole-genome sequencing data of the naked mole-rat, a rodent that is resistant to cancer and lives ...

Eating royal poop improves parenting in naked mole-rats

Have you ever seen a picture of a mother dog caring for an unusual baby, like a kitten? This sort of animal adoption story is an example of a phenomenon known as alloparenting: care provided to offspring that are not genetically ...

A hardy rodent with 'extraordinary' anticancer defences

Scientists are getting closer to understanding how naked mole rats, the world's longest living rodent species, avoid cancer, which could lead to safer stem cell therapies for human diseases.

High-ranking naked mole-rats are more resilient

Naked mole-rats are full of surprises. The latest is that higher-ranked mole-rats most likely have an immunological advantage over animals with lower social status, a discovery made by Professor Gary Lewin's lab at the MDC. ...

Freaks and uniques—evolution's weirdest creatures

Evolution helps every species carve out its own niche within our planet's huge range of diverse and adverse habitats. And sometimes the features they evolve are truly bizarre.

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