New nerve gas detector built with legos and a smartphone

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have designed a way to sense dangerous chemicals using, in part, a simple rig consisting of a smartphone and a box made from Lego bricks, which could help first responders ...

Microscopic molecular cars to race in France

Microscopic molecular vehicles piloted by chemists and physicists will line up in the world's first nano-car race in France this month—but don't expect to see anything with the naked eye.

Nano-watermark sorts fakes from genuines

Nanoga, an EPFL-based startup, has developed a technique to put a nanoscopic watermark onto glass or ceramic. Products with this watermark, which is invisible to the naked eye and only shows up under ultraviolet light, are ...

The light of fireflies for medical diagnostics

In biology and medicine, we often need to detect biological molecules. For example, in cancer diagnostics, doctors need quick and reliable ways of knowing if tumor cells are present in the patient's body. Although such detection ...

Messier 7: Diamonds in the tail of the scorpion

( —A new image from ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile shows the bright star cluster Messier 7. Easily spotted with the naked eye close to the tail of the constellation of Scorpius, it is one of the most prominent ...

Massive asteroid with moon to pass Earth today

An asteroid nearly two miles (three kilometers) wide is set to pass by Earth Friday with no risk of impact, offering scientists a rare chance to study a massive flying object with its own moon.

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