Hormone clue to root growth

(PhysOrg.com) -- Plant roots provide the crops we eat with water, nutrients and anchorage. Understanding how roots grow and how hormones control that growth is crucial to improving crop yields, which will be necessary to ...

Mechanism behind orchid beauty revealed

Researchers at Tohoku University in Japan have identified the gene related to the greenish flower mutation in the Habenaria orchid. Associate Professor Akira Kanno and Ph.D. candidate Mai Mitoma have discovered that the greenish ...

Site-directed mutagenesis in wheat via haploid induction by maize

A new study recently published in the Plant Biotechnology Journal demonstrates how site-directed mutagenesis can be achieved in virtually any wheat germplasm by intergeneric pollination of wheat with cas9/guide-RNA (gRNA)-transgenic ...

New method knocks out yeast genes with single-point precision

How do you make yeast work harder? Not to make bread, but in processes that yield chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Industries currently use a yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They'd like it to work better. The answer ...

Starve a yeast, sweeten its lifespan

Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered a new energy-making biochemical twist in determining the lifespan of yeast cells, one so valuable to longevity that it is likely to also functions in humans.

Plants in space

How plants handle stress in space and what astronauts can learn from them is the subject of a new study at Michigan State University.

Modifying cell wall can increase bacterial lipids

If you want to create sustainable biofuels from less and for less, you've got a range of options. And one of those options is to go microbial, enlisting the help of tiny but powerful bacteria in creating a range of renewable ...

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