Deep-sea vent animals not as isolated as they seem

( —Miles below the ocean surface, diverse ecosystems flourish at hydrothermal vents. Without sunlight, animals live off of bacteria that thrive on chemicals billowing out of the Earth's crust. These strange communities ...

Researchers offer clues to how mussels work

Waves slam the shore with the force of a jetliner screaming at 600 mph. Yet mussels - small but mighty denizens of the intertidal zone - still manage to cling tenaciously to their rocks.

Mussels cramped by environmental factors

The fibrous threads helping mussels stay anchored – in spite of waves that sometimes pound the shore with a force equivalent to a jet liner flying at 600 miles per hour – are more prone to snap when ocean temperatures ...

Nature-inspired advance for treating sensitive teeth

Taking inspiration from Mother Nature, scientists are reporting an advance toward preventing the tooth sensitivity that affects millions of people around the world. Their report on development of the substance, similar to ...

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