YouTube extends film curb to Saudi Arabia

YouTube said Wednesday it extended its restrictions on a video sparking unrest in the Islamic world to Saudi Arabia, saying it is among countries where the film is considered illegal.

Bangladesh blocks YouTube over anti-Islam video

Bangladesh has blocked YouTube after the video-sharing website failed to take down an anti-Islam film that has sparked furious protests across the Muslim world, government officials said Tuesday.

New book on Muslims in the West aims to shift race relations debate

A new book, looking at Muslims in the West and the challenges they face in achieving belonging hopes to encourage new thinking and a deeper understanding within Australia and elsewhere of the importance of positive intercultural ...

Pakistan blocks Twitter over contentious tweets

(AP) -- Pakistan blocked the social networking website Twitter for much of Sunday because it refused to remove tweets considered offensive to Islam, said one of the country's top telecommunications officials.

What does Islam say about the fate of others?

Since Sept. 11, it has become increasingly common to hear about Muslims who condemn all non-Muslims – or "infidels" – to hell, but this has never been a foundation of Islamic thought, argues a Michigan State University ...

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