German rules against YouTube in rights case

(AP) -- A German court has ruled that online video platform YouTube must install filters to prevent users from uploading some music videos whose rights are held by a music-royalties collecting body.

Pets, songs and babies top YouTube videos in 2011

Online singing sensation Rebecca Black topped a 2011 most-viewed YouTube videos list Tuesday that included spoofs starring pets, talking babies and pop music star Michael Bolton.

Sony uniting strengths at online network

Sony on Tuesday rolled out a new way to explore online video as the Japanese entertainment titan battles to be the preferred Internet venue for games, music, films and television.

Improving cell phones, one drop at a time

Once upon a time, when you dropped a radio, camera or phone and it broke, there was only one person to blame for its destruction: the klutz who dropped it. But now that these products have melded into one and shrunk to the ...

Sony to restore most PlayStation services this week

Sony said Tuesday it plans to restore by this weekend PlayStation Network services worldwide except in Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea, after being targeted in a massive online attack in April.

Sony starts to restore PlayStation service in Asia

(AP) -- Sony has begun restoring access to its PlayStation Network and Qriocity movie and music service in Japan and elsewhere in Asia. The company shut down the services in April after a massive security breach that affected ...

Sony CEO apologizes for massive data breach

(AP) -- Sony Corp. Chief Executive Howard Stringer apologized for "inconvenience and concern" caused by the security breach that compromised personal data from more than 100 million online gaming accounts.

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