A Northeastern undergraduate turns timekeeping into music

Shop for a new wristwatch these days, and you'll find the latest models souped up with technologies like GPS capabilities and solar-powered batteries. Now, thanks to a Northeastern undergraduate and a freelance software developer, ...

The way you dance is unique, and computers can tell it's you

Nearly everyone responds to music with movement, whether through subtle toe-tapping or an all-out boogie. A recent discovery shows that our dance style is almost always the same, regardless of the type of music, and a computer ...

Music streaming to music subscriber

The music business has changed dramatically in the last couple of decades since the massive expansion of the internet, the development of music file compression algorithms, and the concept of anonymous file-sharing services. ...

Music-making for the deaf

A Birmingham (UK) researcher is exploring new ways to enhance the experience of deaf musicians with new visual and touch techniques.

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