Facebook and Spotify to stream music

Facebook and Spotify are collaborating on a streaming music service at the world's largest online social network, according to a report Wednesday by business magazine Forbes.

Apple nears music deal with labels

Apple Inc. is close to securing deals with all four major recording companies on a music service that will allow users to stream songs stored on remote computer servers, presumably to an array of portable Apple-made devices, ...

Google Music: Definitely beta

Google has been accused of overusing the "beta" tag on products it releases early. But with its new music service - Music - the beta tag is mandatory. It's still pretty raw, judging from my experience with it today.

Google unveils cloud-based music service

Google Inc. unveiled its long-planned music service Tuesday, but it will likely need deals with the recording industry to reach its full potential.

Google to launch online music service: report

Internet giant Google could launch an online music service as early as Tuesday to rival Amazon's "cloud" service, which allows users to store digital music online, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Sony CEO apologizes for massive data breach

(AP) -- Sony Corp. Chief Executive Howard Stringer apologized for "inconvenience and concern" caused by the security breach that compromised personal data from more than 100 million online gaming accounts.

Sony apologises for breach, boosts security

Sony on Sunday apologised for a security breach that compromised millions of users, and said it could not rule out the possibility that credit card information was stolen.

Sony to reveal PlayStation hack probe findings

Sony will reveal details of its internal probe into a massive theft of personal data from users of its PlayStation Network on Sunday, plus a timetable for bringing the network back into action, it said.

Sony sued over PlayStation Network hack

Sony is being sued in US court by gamers irked by news that a hacker cracked PlayStation Network defenses and pilfered data that could potentially be used for fraud or identity theft.

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