US launches IP trade probe of Ukraine

The United States announced Thursday an investigation of alleged officially sanctioned intellectual property theft in Ukraine, a move which could result in trade retaliation by Washington.

US singles out Ukraine as key piracy center

The United States singled out Ukraine on Wednesday as a major center of intellectual property theft, saying that the government itself has been behind the growth in piracy in the country.

Music royalty talks consider cell phone mandate

(AP) -- A proposed settlement to a long-running dispute over music royalties could include a federal mandate that all new cell phones and other wireless devices contain an FM radio tuner.

Eminem publisher takes Apple to court over rights

(AP) -- An attorney for Apple Inc. defended the company's use of Eminem's songs on iTunes in court on Thursday, as a trial got under way to determine who had the right to offer digital downloads of the rapper's music.

Eminem's music publisher takes Apple to court

(AP) -- Eminem's music publisher wants a bigger slice from Apple. Eight Mile Style LLC and a co-plaintiff, Martin Affiliated LLC, are suing Apple Inc., claiming they never authorized the use of 93 songs in a downloadable ...

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