UK says illegal downloaders may lose Web access

(AP) -- People who repeatedly download copyrighted films and music could have their Internet connection cut off under proposed laws to tackle illegal file-sharing unveiled by the British government on Tuesday.

US launches IP trade probe of Ukraine

The United States announced Thursday an investigation of alleged officially sanctioned intellectual property theft in Ukraine, a move which could result in trade retaliation by Washington.

Who are the music pirates and what do they want?

Music piracy is a huge problem, if the music industry is to believed. But so far, very little has been done to stop it. We are, however, starting to get an idea of what motivates people to do it. If record labels want to ...

Anonymous hackers jailed over PayPal attack

Two computer hackers were jailed by a London court on Thursday for a series of cyber-attacks by the hacking group Anonymous that cost the US online payments giant PayPal millions of dollars.

British student on trial over Anonymous PayPal hacking

A British student went on trial in London on Thursday accused of a series of cyber-attacks by the hacking group Anonymous that cost the US online payments giant PayPal millions of dollars.

Streaming may suffocate the music industry – or save it

Taylor Swift's announcement that she was removing her music from the Spotify music service started a debate about the future of music. Swift argued that artists were not receiving appropriate compensation and that a pick-and-choose ...

Pirate Bay suitor GGF set for deal with record label

Global Gaming Factory (GGF), the Swedish online games firm set to acquire illegal download site The Pirate Bay, said on Wednesday it was close to signing a record deal with a major record company.

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