7 products Steve Jobs got wrong

(AP) -- Steve Jobs pushed the envelope many times when it came to product design, and the results weren't always pretty. Here are seven products created under his direction that failed commercially or functionally:

China's Baidu, music labels launch online service

(AP) -- Baidu Inc., which operates China's most popular search engine, said Tuesday it will distribute music from three global labels in a deal that its partners say could help clean up China's piracy-plagued music market.

Pandora sings happy tune: IPO fetches $16 a share

(AP) -- Pandora Media Inc. sold its initial public offering of stock at $16 per share late Tuesday, fetching twice as much as the popular but unprofitable Internet radio service expected less than two weeks ago.

Warner to sell entire company, near agreement

Warner Music Group Corp. is seeking to sell the entire company, rather than parts of the business, and could agree on a buyer within weeks, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

Walkman outsells iPod in Japan: survey

The Walkman outsold the iPod in Japan last week for the first time in four years, handing Japanese electronics giant Sony a rare victory over arch-rival Apple, a survey showed.

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