Leveraging the Internet's unique data repositories

Sometimes, data doesn't look like data. But when circumstances conspire and the right researchers come along, interesting facets of human nature reveal themselves. Last.fm and World of Warcraft are two entities made possible ...

Sony CEO apologizes for massive data breach

(AP) -- Sony Corp. Chief Executive Howard Stringer apologized for "inconvenience and concern" caused by the security breach that compromised personal data from more than 100 million online gaming accounts.

Book reveals young people's views of politicians

Politicians need to consider more carefully how they communicate with young people if they are to be trusted and respected as much as 'celebrity' politicians, according to a new book by academics at the University of East ...

Xbox Music to offer on-demand music free on tablet

Buyers of tablets that run Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows 8, are in for a pleasant musical surprise: they'll be able to handpick from a selection of millions of songs and stream them for free as long as they ...

Game developers sue China's Baidu over copyright

A Chinese industry group of game developers said Monday it was suing Baidu for more than 30 million yuan ($4.7 million) for copyright infringement, the latest such case to hit the Internet giant.

Anonymous targets Finland over anti-piracy efforts

Cyber-activists attacked the websites of Finnish anti-piracy groups after a local Internet service provider was forced to block access to a popular file-sharing website, officials said Tuesday.

Pirate Bay suitor GGF set for deal with record label

Global Gaming Factory (GGF), the Swedish online games firm set to acquire illegal download site The Pirate Bay, said on Wednesday it was close to signing a record deal with a major record company.

Warner makes artists available for 'Tap Tap' game

(AP) -- Following the success of "Tap Tap Metallica," Warner Music Group Corp. is opening up its roster of artists to be featured on other versions of the popular play-along iPhone game.

Sony to axe 10,000 jobs worldwide: report

Sony will cut 10,000 jobs worldwide this year as it attempts to carry out sweeping reforms aimed at reviving the iconic but loss-making Japanese electronics giant, the Nikkei business daily said Monday.

Can the Fab Four reverse the slide in music games?

After a five-month decline in sales, the video game business is pinning its hope for recovery on a handful of rock bands, including one that hasn't put out a new record in nearly 40 years.

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