Review: Wireless speakers great fit for phone use

(AP) -- Diminutive wireless speakers are filling the shelves at electronics stores. They're proving to be the ideal accessory for people who listen to the bulk of their music on mobile phones.

Google Music: Definitely beta

Google has been accused of overusing the "beta" tag on products it releases early. But with its new music service - Music - the beta tag is mandatory. It's still pretty raw, judging from my experience with it today.

Usefulness of 'Cloud' is a little hazy

"The Cloud," which is also simply known as online storage, got a bit more crowded recently with the launch of a new Internet locker from Amazon.

Music streaming to music subscriber

The music business has changed dramatically in the last couple of decades since the massive expansion of the internet, the development of music file compression algorithms, and the concept of anonymous file-sharing services. ...

Multimedia search without detours

Finding a particular song or video is often no easy matter. Manually assigned metadata may be incorrect, and the unpacking of compressed data can slow up the search. DIVAS, a multimedia search engine, uses digital fingerprints ...

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